10 rules to : be unsuccessful in your life

1. Be negative :   

 We all know the person who complains about everything. “Ugh, it poured this morning, and my shoes got soaked.” Yes, that sucks. No, you can’t change the weather. You can put on a new pair of shoes.

Having a bad day is okay — everyone gets irritable once in a while. But if you always hate everything, you’re having a bad life. It’s that simple.

2. Don't learn anything : 

Learning is one of the most difficult things in the world. It’s not a surprise many people never read a book, never finish school, or never learn from their mistakes. Learning is a struggle.

But think about it: We live in the most exciting time in history for learners. The access to information has never been this easy. In the past, if your dad was a farmer, you became a farmer. Things were like that.

3. Gossip more : 

What did we all learn in high school? Gossip gets you nowhere. Much of the time it’s false and most of the time it’s negative. Instead of gossiping about people, successful people talk about ideas. Sharing ideas with others will only make them better.

4. Spend time with loosers : 

Spend enough time with losers, and you’ll become one. Apply this analogy to any type of person.
Do you want to get fit? Hang out with fit people. People feed off each other’s energy.
What’s better, your friend asking when you’re going to the gym, or your friend asking to go out for the third time that week?

5. Never set goals : 

Setting effective goals is essential but unless you take action to achieve the goal, it will never truely be a goal, merely a dream.

6. Fear of change : 

Fear is all mental, and to overcome it you need to look inside yourself. You need to acknowledge you’re fears and dedicate yourself to tackling them one by one.
Yes, it can be hard, but it’s well worth it. I used to suffer from all of these fears, but by putting one foot in front of the other, I overcame them.

7. Blame others

When unsuccessful people don't get what they want, they play the blame game. They refuse to accept responsibility for their mistakes or the fact that they made their own choices. It's easier to attribute their lack of success to things outside of their control.

8. Focus on the wrong things : 

Successful people recognize that success comes from taking action--from bringing ideas to fruition. They talk about ideas and share them with the people around them to make those ideas better. Unsuccessful people focus on tearing down the individuals around them.

9. Talk too much and never listen :

 The most unsuccessful people talk instead of listening. They believe they know it all, and therefore have no need to absorb the knowledge and experience of others.

10.  Be a quitter : 

“The most certain way to succeed,” Thomas Edison once said, “is always to try just one more time.” Success, however you define it, never came from not trying. And often, it comes after first failing time and time again.
